I will habitually attempt to understand and support the female viewpoint because the male population often subordinates our beliefs. But after witnessing a female student straddle Mr. X in the passenger seat of a car parked on campus in the middle of the day, I would have to dispute this act of public promiscuity.

After having a front row seat in student exhibitionism 101, I realized that the PDA days of handholding have escalated to an entirely new level. It is apparent that clarification is needed concerning the appropriateness and necessity of these actions, as well as the level of inappropriateness they entail.

As far as I am concerned, public displays of affection are equal to drunk dialing your boyfriend’s mom or wearing a black thong under white pants-you just do not do it. But if either party is affectionate by nature and you feel the need to display your love while walking up to the dining hall, my motto is this: if you would not do it in front of your grandparents, then it is not acceptable. Bottom line.

Ladies, if your beau constantly initiates the PDA, the reason is because it’s less permanent then a tattoo on his forehead which reads, “she’s wearing lace panties and they’re mine.” It is synonymous with tagging cattle because as soon as his level of affection exceeds that of a sibling, every other man knows you are taken.

Is the PDA really necessary anyway? If you are in a healthy relationship and go out with a group of friends, why does it matter whom you socialize with? You are not going to elope with the dude from English class who strikes up a conversation with you, so tell your man to chill out and stop being so insecure.

When it comes to discussing the general topic of PDA, I ask you to evaluate your relationship and see if it’s as stable behind closed doors as it is in the BCC.

Are you dating just to prove to society that you are taken, or is there an underlying connection which remains consistent between the bedroom and the classroom?

This is college and it is easier to hook up with someone than it is to remember your student identification number. Therefore, what actual purpose do public displays of affection serve besides being a distraction to the rest of society?

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