As women, we understand that men are merely aged boys who believe there is an anatomical connection between the dominant hand and the testicles. Along with this characteristic, as well as others (the obsession with video games), we learn to tolerate them because we realize that men accept some of our quirks, such as taking two hours to get ready, without understanding the underlying principles. Nonetheless, just because we let these characteristics slide by, there are certain others that by this age are no longer acceptable. The following is a list on what women find to be the most annoying manly features. So men, sit back, take notes, and pay attention!

Binge drinking: By the time you are twenty-one, shot gunning twelve beers or being able to do a keg stand for forty-five seconds is not a quality respectable women find attractive. We understand that drinking may be the only physical activity you partake in, but do us all a favor: save this God-given gift for the freshmen girls who may actually appreciate it.

Not shaving: There really is no excuse for the teen wolf resemblance when you are trying to seduce us. When we say we “like it rough” we are not referring to your stubble-how would you like it if we went a week without shaving…anything?

“Sex on the go” motto: A quickie during exam week is acceptable, but not on a regular basis. Our dorms or houses are not drive up windows so don’t try ordering take out! (This is not Burger King, you can’t always have it your way)

Forgetfulness: How is it possible that men can remember every sports statistic on all 39 members of their favorite team, but the date of a three-month anniversary seems to escape their memory?

Financial Instability: As college students, women understand that money vanishes faster than the Titanic. However, when you routinely supply alcohol for the greater portion of underclassmen, is it too much to ask for a dinner date some place the Stagcard isn’t accepted?

Ogling: We understand that the digitally air brushed sex goddesses in Maxim elicit a tingling sensation in your groins, but please save the comments on her cellulite lacking buttocks for poker night with the guys.

Ladies, you owe me one…

Now stop procrastinating and get back to studying!

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