Wednesday, Nov. 8

1:42 a.m. A car accident occurred at the townhouses. The driver was under the influence and crashed into a guardrail. The injured student was taken to the hospital and later appointed to judicial.

Friday, Nov. 10

8:17 p.m. The Fairfield Police Department called Public Safety to report an underage student buying alcohol from a local liquor store. The buyer, who had fake IDs in his possession, is being appointed to the board of misconduct.

11:00 p.m. A male student was caught urinating on the quad entrance of Jogues.

Saturday, Nov. 11

12:45 a.m. A female student and a male non-student were caught smoking marijuana near the basketball courts. The non-student was issued a criminal trespass warning. 11:10 a.m. A sophomore from Jogues reported lost car keys. She was led to believe that someone had been using her car after finding a beer can and her seat readjusted. Public Safety had her park car where they could watch it, and she is having her car re-keyed.

Sunday, Nov. 12

3:30 a.m. A junior from Claver called to receive a safe-ride to the Health Center due to intoxication.

5:40 a.m. The Fairfield Police Department received a call from a male student on campus who reported his car being vandalized by his ex-girlfriend from another school. The ex-girlfriend covered the car with ketchup, mustard, peanut butter and hay. She was issued a criminal trespass warning.

9:15 p.m. While a Pizza Mediterranean employee made a delivery to two students, a student dressed all in black ran up and stole the food. The student was not caught.

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