Fairfield University’s study abroad program has been a way for students to explore different parts of the world while still being able to gain an education.
So far, Fairfield’s study abroad program has centers in Italy, Spain, UK, Australia, France and Ireland. This is a great way for students to learn within a new environment and become familiar with different cultures, languages and mindsets. Global Fairfield has provided students with information and steps to take when preparing and making decisions for the program.
Because of COVID-19, there have been many precautions instituted surrounding studying abroad to ensure the safety of students. Global Fairfield provides students with a great amount of information regarding the traveling process, course scheduling, country information, etc.
However, there has been an issue with students determining whether or not this is something they should follow through on.
This program has been known to be one of the best experiences for students. Fairfield University has provided their students with a lot of opportunities when it comes to studying abroad.
Due to the pandemic, many questions are being asked regarding the lifestyle and education of a study abroad student. Fairfield tries to update their students very frequently regarding the news in the other countries as well as the plan for students planning to take the next step in their study abroad experience.
“When applying for this program, I was excited to be a part of this new experience,” said sophomore Emily Miller. She continued, “Many students do not always have an opportunity to gain an education in a different country. I know it is a risk during times like these but it can be worth it.”
Not only does the study abroad program provide students with courses in different countries, but students are also offered the opportunity to apply for internships through the University. This opportunity is quite amazing because it allows students to gain work experience while also increasing their networking opportunities.
Fairfield University has taken all precautions to provide its students with the right amount of information. There are study abroad programs going into play in Summer 2021 and Fall 2021.
Not only is the Study Abroad program keeping their students informed through email and Zoom calls, but they have also been providing booklets which are available on the Fairfield Study Abroad website.
This pamphlet describes the precautions needed to be taken before, during and after being abroad. They also provide necessary information about the country itself and how they are coping with COVID-19, which allows students to gain a better understanding of how serious the country itself is taking this horrific global pandemic.
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