Thursday, 3/1
9:00 p.m.
DPS investigated an assault that took place in Loyola Hall between a boyfriend and girlfriend. The students were referred to dean of students office.
Saturday, 3/3
1:51 p.m.
DPS responded to what was referred to as Sham Jam at the Townhouses. Numerous students were documented for alcohol violations. Some items were damaged at the Townhouses as a result.
6:00 p.m.
A burglary was reported at the 9 block of the Townhouses. Someone entered a unit and took some prescription medication from a bedroom. Anyone with any information is encouraged to contact Residence Life or DPS. Anyone selling prescription medication should also be reported to Residence Life or DPS.
11:36 p.m.
DPS responded to the smell of marijuana coming from two rooms in Regis Hall. DPS documented four males in possession of marijuana. The students were referred to student conduct.
Sunday, 3/4
1:00 a.m.
DPS discovered a young man walking with a stolen traffic control sign that was pulled from the ground. The student was referred to student conduct.
10:10 a.m.
Theft of a ballard cover from the parking garage was reported to DPS. Video of a young man wearing a green shirt was obtained and DPS is working with campus partners to catch the individual. Anyone with any information is encouraged report it to student conduct.
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