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Dogwoods moved on campus

For years Alumni Hall has played host to venues such as concerts and basketball games. But this year it will see a new occupant: Dogwoods.

The spring semiformal, which in the past has been held at a nearby hotel, will be placed on campus to increase the turnout and convenience, similar to that of the fall semester Presidential Ball.

The fact that the event would be moved to campus was brought up by one FUSA Senator during the Sunday meeting and confirmed by another. Many senators were surprised by the change.

Senator Kelly Young ’10 asked if Senate members could discuss the issue and possible argue the location change.

Senate Chair Dan Lamendola said he would look into the matter further but he did state that the Senate controls the budget of FUSA programming.

Last year, the dance cost students $30 and transportation was provided. FUSA budgeted for the attendance of 450 students but were only able to sell tickets to 200 students.

In a press release issued by the FUSA Senate, Lamendola said the reasoning behind the move dealt mainly with the travel, which is a 45-minute commute one way.

There will be beer and wine served at the event, but liquor is still up for debate.
Lamendola met with Elissa Carroll to discuss where hard liquor could be present and concluded that a hard liquor license could be obtain through Sodexo.

FUSA Programmers are not looking to take that route, according to the press release.’
Dogwoods, originally a campus event, was moved off-campus about seven or eight years ago. FUSA Programming wishes to move the event back to campus and structure it into Spring Weekend.

Sodexo sells students on recent actions of ‘sustainability’

In a presentation to the FUSA Senate, Sodexo Sales Executive Joseph Cuticelli told senators about Sodexo’s goals to make its production part of the global effort for environmental sustainability.

‘We talk about making everyday better not just for the students we serve but for the world,’ said Cuticelli.

According to Cuticelli, Sodexo has tried to lower its usage of water and shorten the miles in which food travels.

Sodexo is the 26th largest employer in the United States providing services at 36,600 locations. It provides service to other New England schools including Wesleyan, Bentley, and University of New Haven.

As the Senators listened to the talk many expressed the concerns for the way that Sodexo was handling certain items in regards to managing their dinning room.

‘We build sustainability by investing in our people,’ said Cuticelli.

Associate Vice-President of Student Affairs Jim Fitzpatrick, the on-campus liaison for Sodexo said that the when the students created a takeover of Bellarmine for the rights of Prichard workers, the school used the Sodexo contract as an example. The contract has been used by many different organizations in the area as an example for a long time now.

FUSA to negotiate new constitution

With a new FUSA constitution on the horizon, FUSA Senators were faced with tough questions that could determine the future of their organization.

Lamendola said, ‘There has been much discussion as to the number of Senators that we should have.’

He presented three possibilities: 10, seven or five Senators per class. The senators debated the issue by weighing the prestige that less seats would bring, compared with the manpower that more seats would enable.

Lamendola also met with Student Court Chief Justice Alexandra Giorzi and FUSA President Jeff Seiser, to discuss the future of student court.
FUSA will discuss these possible changes to its constitution in forthcoming weeks.

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