Fairfield business students help with taxes

As part of a federal program, 20 Dolan School of Business students, most of whom are seniors, are coming to the aid of families and individuals with low-to-moderate incomes to prepare their taxes.

The students will prepare tax returns at 11 different locations throughout Bridgeport and Stamford. According to a press release, accounting professor Kathleen Weiden explained the new program, saying that it helps to incorporate service-learning, which helps to “provide students with real-world experience in accounting and the community with a crucial service.”

Look for a feature story on this program in the next issue.


Nader announces his run for the White House

Ralph Nader announced on Sunday that he will be joining the presidential run as a third-party candidate.

The 73-year-old Nader is running in an air of what he believes is disenchantment among the general public with the Republican and Democratic parties because of the ongoing war and uneven economy.

His entrance brings an interesting angle to the race because he was blamed by many Democrats for Al Gore’s loss in the 2000 presidential race.

Nader pulled in many Democratic votes in that race, and many Democrats hope there is not a repeat this year, according to an article in The New York Times.


Brown University cuts tuition costs for students

Brown University is joining other major universities in cutting tuition costs for students.

For families who make less than $60,000 annually, Brown will decrease tuition costs. Grants will replace loans for families who make under $100,000.

In addition, all loans for any student receiving financial aid will be reduced, regardless of family income.


Raul Castro named new president of Cuba After Fidel Castro stepped down as Cuba’s president last week, his 76-year-old brother Raul Castro was appointed to the position, as announced on Sunday. In his first speech as president, Castro said that he will continue in Fidel’s footsteps, as Fidel will be advising him on a regular basis. However, Raul acknowledged that some changes will need to be made in order to keep up with the changing times. This announcement came as a surprise to some, for it was believed that Fidel’s replacement would be much younger.

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