Dear Class of 2022,

Welcome to Fairfield University’s June Orientation and your soon to be home away from home.

We’re Danielle Rice and Matt Marshall, the 71st Fairfield University Student Association President and Vice President! Looking back on our own orientation four years ago, it was both an exciting and extremely scary time. It finally hit and felt real: we’re becoming college students. Both of us very distinctly remember the New Student Leaders cheering us on as our cars drove down Loyola Drive heading towards the Quad and our stomachs continued to flip upside down with a nervous excitement for the start of our college experience. Looking back, those two days seemed to both drag on for what felt like both as long as two years and as went by in as quick as a blink of an eye.

Now four years later in our roles as FUSA President and Vice President, we are tasked with

representing the entire undergraduate student body through advocating for student issues;

promoting diverse array of social, educational and cultural programs and initiatives; to be a

valuable partner in the administrative processes of the school; to aid development of student

clubs and organizations; and to govern ourselves in a manner that is both respectful of

individual rights and consistent with the needs of the University and the larger community. While

this seems like a mouth full, it ultimately means that the two of us represent an organization that

is accessible and transparent to all students, including all of you!

Similar to our own United States government, we have three branches in FUSA: executive,

legislative and judicial. Our executive branch, led by the two of us, is the largest branch and

includes the most boards. Within the executive branch is the following boards:

Programming Board​: Programming is tasked with planning events on campus, the Fall

Concert, President’s Ball, Broadway shows, major league sporting events and late night events.

Marketing and Public Relations Board​: Marketing and PR are responsible for advertising all

programming events, senate initiatives and the overall PR efforts of FUSA.

Treasury Board​: The Treasury plans a large organization budget that helps to run a wide range

of student body events on campus and maintains budgetary and spending goals for students in


Diversity and Inclusion Board​: The Diversity and Inclusion Board develops and supports

innovative programs and policies relevant to the student community as it relates campus

diversity and inclusion and address the needs of underrepresented/marginalized students or

historically oppressed groups.

Council of Student Organizations (COSO)​: COSO helps approves or denies organizations

seeking approval and accreditation from the University and Student Body. COSO works closely

with clubs and organizations to help them with club development, finance, marketing,

programming and community development.

The Second Branch of FUSA is the Legislative Branch. The FUSA legislative branch is made

up of the senate, which consists of five elected senators from each active undergraduate class


Senate​: The senate is responsible for soliciting and deliberating upon student issues, using the

legislative process as a means to advance or resolve such issues, and to serve and protect the

interests of the student body.

Finally, the third branch of FUSA is the Judicial Branch. The FUSA judicial branch consists of

the FUSA court, which consists of five appointed justices, with one serving as the Chief


The FUSA Court determines the constitutionality of laws and executive actions,

has the authority to review cases regarding impeachment, and serves as the Election

Committee for all FUSA elections.

While there are so many different boards and branches within this organization that may seem

overwhelming, each of these boards/branches has an opportunity for you to get involved right

away including being a senator, programmer, or Court Justice! Check your email soon and look

for an opportunity to learn more about joining FUSA!


Danielle Rice and Matt Marshall

FUSA President and Vice President


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