Bulls. Cowboy hats. Bridgeport?bull_bridgeport2

Those four words are rarely seen in the same place, but on Saturday night at the Arena at Harbor Yard, the home of the Stags basketball teams was transformed into a western rodeo as the Enterprise Pro Bull Riding Tour came to town.

Instead of the familiar smell of sweat and cooking hot dogs that fills the Arena during the basketball games, a strong scent of bulls filled the air.

About 25 riders from all over the world came with the tour, attempting to walk away with an $8,000 prize. Riders as old as 55 and as young as 19, from hometowns ranging from California to Brazil to Prospect, Conn. put on a show that many in attendance, including myself, had never seen before.

It was more than just the two to eight seconds that the riders attempted to stay on the bulls. Although it was fun to watch the ultimate battle between man and beast the real show was the atmosphere, created by the announcers and the rodeo clown out in the ring.

Not much of the crowd could be seen at a normal Arena at Harbor Yard event and many came out wearing big belt buckles and cowboy hats. And of course, almost every adult in the building was wasted out of his boots, because there is no way you can go to a rodeo without drinking first.

The basics of bull riding were probably not understood by half of the audience, but a quick bit of research before the event explained that each rider is judged on a scale of 100 and can only stay on the bull for a maximum of eight seconds. The bull leaves the chute and the rider is thrown off in two blinks of an eye, but if it last more than one blink, it is probably a successful ride.’

The rodeo clown in the ring was more of a sideshow than an actual rodeo clown. Those were dressed in padding and actually got in front of bucking bulls.

But the clown was there to distract fans while the riders prepared to go. Making jokes about butts, his annoying wife and other generally unfunny puns, he did serve as a distraction. The announcer talked nonstop throughout the show while a mix of rap and country blared through the speakers.

The winner wasn’t decided on Saturday night, although as we left the arena, the ‘California Kid’ Chris McCallister sat in first place, on top of the ‘shark cage’ in the middle of the ring, where lucky fans got to be right in front of the smelly, dangerous action.

It was an experience that few have had, but no one who has will ever forget.

So next time the rodeo rides into Bridgeport, grab a handle of your favorite cowboy whiskey and take the trip. You won’t be disappointed.

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