MSNBC anchor and co-host of ‘Morning Joe,’ Mika Brzezinski and Conservative radio and television political commentator and best-selling author, Monica Crowley weighed in on the upcoming presidential election Monday night at the Quick Center.

As part of the Open VISIONS Forum, Brzezinski and Crowley shared their thoughts on hot-button issues influencing voters before answering a variety of questions from the audience.’

Brzezinski and Crowley joined a packed audience of University students, faculty and members of the community just eight days before the presidential election. However, the closeness to Election Day did not educe any specific predictions by either Brzezinski or Crowley.

‘Yes, if the election was held today, [Barack] Obama would win,’ said Crowley. ‘But, time is on John McCain’s side.’

She said that voters who are undecided at this point are more likely to vote for the ‘known brand’ of McCain and his more than 20 years of Senate experience, as opposed to the junior Senator from Illinois with only three years of experience in the Senate.’

While Brzezinski and Crowley avoided making forecasts as to which candidate would triumph on Nov. 4, they both believe the outcome will be very close. Brzezinski pointed to Obama’s success at running his campaign ‘like a well-oiled machine,’ for his five-to-ten point lead going into the election, while admitting such a lead should have been greater given his advantages over Senator McCain.

Both attributed record-breaking campaign fund-raising, unparalleled Web presence, mass media appeal and success at registering new voters to Obama’s position. Crowley pointed out that despite all of Obama’s advantages, McCain’s extensive experience as a ‘fiercely independent conservative,’ has kept him close to Obama in the polls and gives him a viable shot at the presidency.’

‘I felt as though they agreed on more points than they debated,’ said Josie Amendola ’11. ‘I think their opinions reflect that of most Americans, that the outcome of the election is unpredictable at this point.’

Brzezinski and Crowleys’ agreements were also apparent when discussing a recent missed opportunity by McCain to gain leverage over Obama.

Brzezinski pointed out that McCain missed a crucial opportunity to restore confidence in his principles by signing the Wall Street bailout bill. Had McCain rejected the agreement until it was stripped of the ‘pork’ and earmarks, Brzezinski believes, ‘he would have been in Obama’s position right now – ahead three to five points!”

Audience members asked Brzezinski and Crowley their perception of Americans’ reactions to the current economic crisis and increasing foreign policy threats.

Despite McCain’s current position trailing Obama,’ Crowley told the audience not to discredit McCain yet.

She explained how, ’41 years ago yesterday,’ McCain narrowly escaped death by pulling himself free from his parachute with his teeth after being shot down in North Vietnam.

‘This is a man who knows how to escape near death experiences – with his teeth,’ said Crowley.

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