Siblings Weekend was an opportunity for siblings of all ages to experience what life is like in Stag country for a weekend and spend time with their brother or sister. The Fairfield University Student Association organized the events all over campus the weekend of Friday, Feb. 9 that siblings seemed to love.
“They are already excited to come back next year for siblings weekend,” Elle Butner said of her siblings’ experience at this year’s event.
The weekend was jam packed with events all over campus. It started with a celebration of National Pizza Day on Friday, as students and siblings had the opportunity to make their own pizza in the Tully.
Events went throughout the night, as Friday night ended with a crafts and game night in the lower level of the Barone Campus Center.
Fairfield sports were in action this week as well, giving siblings the chance to watch both the men’s and women’s lacrosse teams on Saturday afternoon as they opened up their season at Conway Field at Rafferty Stadium.
An event that seemed to keep siblings on the edge of their seats was BINGO in the BCC Saturday afternoon. Stags and their siblings gathered around tables in the LLBCC as they waited for the numbers to be called. Numerous prizes were handed out to winners, including Fairfield gear, gift cards, blankets, hats, and much more.
First-year Elle Butner loved having her two younger sisters here for the weekend. It gave her a chance to tie her college and home lives together.
“My two younger sisters, Sophie and Abby are here with me. It’s a great experience because they were able to see what my life at college is like. It was fun being able to bring my home life and college life together for the weekend.”
The emoji pillow creation event in Faber Dining Hall attracted the younger crowd, as they had the chance to stuff their own emoji pillow to bring home with them.
At this event, Olivia McEvoy, associate director of programming for FUSA, spoke about the siblings weekend tradition as well as some of the events that were featured this year.
“We’ve had a bunch of events that FUSA and Fairfield at Night coordinated. We had two movie nights, as well as both active events and creative events for siblings to enjoy. We mainly had 6-7 year olds here this weekend, so they loved the creative events.”
Despite the attendance of younger children at the siblings weekend events, according to the Assistant Director of Student Engagement, Colleen Wilson, out of 112 total siblings who had registered for the weekend, 63 siblings were ages 14 and over.
Siblings weekend concluded on Sunday, Feb. 11 with a mass in the Egan Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola. Mass was the opportunity for siblings to reflect on their enjoyable weekend here at Fairfield, and for students to say goodbye to their siblings.
McEvoy believed the weekend to be a huge success. Smiles on the faces of siblings at events all over campus, as well as feedback from stags seemed to prove this too.
“We’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback so far. There’s a bunch of different stuff for siblings to do. We’ve been doing this for the past few years, and it’s turning into a tradition here at Fairfield,” McEvoy mentioned.
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