There is nothing I like more than celebrating: New Years Eve, Fourth of July, Halloween, funeral, whatever. But one thing I can’t stand is paying nine dollars a night at Barone to eat food that is mediocre and seeing the place decorated from floor to ceiling with pricey decorations on certain holidays.

This Halloween Barone was decked out! Every employee had a witch hat on, there was dry ice fogging away at the food stations (who knows how much that cost), candy on every table, and a six foot Frankenstein greeting malnourished students as they came in search of the elusive “decent meal.”

I know that Sodhexo goes out of its way to create this celebratory atmosphere for the student body, but it seems a little absurd. We are in college which means, although not always, that we have all matured a little since high school; a time in my life when balloons may have had my heart racing. But now I would rather have 10 cents off every meal I eat than scary carbon monoxide vapor flowing over my already odd tasting dinner.

Let’s say that Soxdhexo decides that five holidays out of the year are worthy of being celebrated in such an indulgent manner, quite a bill would be racked up through out the course of the year.

Instead of spending money, from what already seems to be a tight budget, in such a carefree manner, maybe students could eat their meals at a lower price. Or the quality of food could be improved.

Imagine that. No more soggy lettuce or hard rice. Oranges that aren’t in need of a shave. It would be too much to ask.

So while I do appreciate the effort that the Sodhexo staff made this Halloween to make our dinner special, why not make every day special with cheaper meals or better food? Anyway, I’m not religious, I don’t even celebrate Halloween.

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