As the last few weeks of classes approach for college seniors, many are still in the process of mapping out their post-graduation plans. Whether they’re seeking career experience or pursuing further education, this period can bring about considerable amounts of stress due to all of the uncertainties. 

As this annual period comes around, universities must assess their efforts in guiding students toward making decisions that align with their best interests. With that in mind, how successful is Fairfield in achieving this? 

Drawing from personal experience, the university provides ample resources to support students in their career pursuits. One aspect often overlooked, even by myself during my early college years, is the importance of students taking personal accountability and pushing outside of their comfort zone. Opportunities are not simply handed to students, whether it’s navigating job interviews or making connections beyond the classroom, it requires proactive effort. 

That being said, it feels as if the university offers us the closest thing to handing us these opportunities through all of the resources it provides. 

The Fairfield Career Center takes pride in its approach of avoiding a one-size-fits-all model. In other words, there are counselors based on the specific career paths of students, ensuring that each student receives tailored guidance from a counselor with specialized knowledge. For instance, there are individual services for the College of Arts and Sciences, Dolan School of Business, and Egan School of Nursing. 

According to the Career Center section on the university website, “The Career Center aspires to be an innovative and integrated unit dedicated to the personal and professional development of all students. The Center seeks to support and enhance the student experience through a comprehensive, holistic and collaborative approach committed to ensuring equal access while empowering individuals on their journey of self-discovery and lifelong learning.” 

The Career Center is open to all students at any stage of their college journey, underscoring their commitment to this claim of equal access. 

The Career Center also includes events and resources such as career fairs, mock interviews, ‘Senior Launch’, and ‘Sophomore Success’. 

While some students may be inclined to seek employment immediately after college, many individuals contemplate graduate school as an option. The Career Center assists students on this path as well. 

According to the university website, “Fairfield offers over 50 graduate programs and certificates across our five schools. But it’s what our students do with these degrees that makes Fairfield such a unique academic environment.” 

The university’s statement here strongly correlates with its Graduate Student Outcomes Report from 2023. In the report, 98.2% of students believed “that the graduate program prepared them for their current activity/occupation and ultimate career goals”, 91% believed that “achieving the 

degree has put them on the right path to obtaining their career goals”, and 89.1% believed that “their current employment path is in line with their career goals.” 

Additionally, there was a 97.6% employment rate among the 68% of the class included in the report, indicating a credible sample size. 

As each student navigates their unique journey during college, it is important to remember that post-college life is just as much of a trial-and-error process, if not more so. However, Fairfield equips students with top-notch resources to help kick-start their journey in the real world.

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