This past week a number of students approached The Mirror, imploring this newspaper to not include details relating to an incident involving a member of the class of 2003 following this past Friday’s 200 Nights.

For over 25 years, The Mirror has prided itself on being the students’ source for campus news. Some of this news is positive. Other stories are not. The Mirror, like any other newspaper, uses judgment to determine what is newsworthy and what is not.

In regards to this particular incident, we followed our standards to determine whether or not the story would run. Student opinion had nothing to do with our decision to not include this information.

If student opinion determined the content of this newspaper, The Mirror would be censored under a number of different forms. Freedom of the press is one of the rights that we have in our country, and The Mirror takes this very seriously. The school trusts our judgment to produce accurate and fair reporting, and students should expect the same.

While some students would be upset if the story had included this information, it would have quite simply been the truth. The Mirror’s job is to cover what is going on around us, and if something serious happens, it is our responsibility to report the facts.

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