CHEERS to the university for putting more effort into stopping academic dishonesty. Cheating is pervasive in any competitive atmosphere and will only come to a stop when there are sufficient penalties to stop people from feeling the risk is worth the reward. However, the administration must make sure that the enforcement is uniform across all schools and majors. There is no sense to having a policy which is only given consideration by professors who feel like it.

BOOS to the lengthy finals schedule. We understand that the school is often left to the whims of the calendar when deciding on how to schedule finals, but being in a classroom until late afternoon on Dec. 23 is unacceptable. For students who have to fly home or drive a long distance, this is really unfair. Many schools are let out a week earlier by fitting all the tests into a single week. This is the type of system that Fairfield should look into. While it would certainly be difficult to completely revamp the system, the complaints should not come as a surprise to the university. They’ve known for years that letting everyone out late is a hassle and should either schedule more tests into each day or come up with another solution that is mutually beneficial for students, teachers and the administration.

CHEERS to the holiday spirit here on campus. Everyone is stressed out and tired, waiting for that last test to be able to leave. That hasn’t stopped a palpable holiday spirit from appearing, though. The campus center is decorated festively, the residence halls are all lit up and even the beach has gotten into the spirit, where many houses have been decorated. One problem is that except for a single Kwanzaa event, there has not been much evidence of any holiday celebrations beyond Christmas. Even though people of religions other than Christianity only take up a small percentage of the Fairfield population, their annual traditions should not be ignored.

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