I’m not Emily Post or anything, but lately I’ve found that a lot of people on campus have been forgetting their manners. Even though a column was written last year, it seems like people need a refresher course.

Everyone appreciates a smile or having the door held for them. It’s common courtesy and makes you look good. Just so that girl next to you in bio doesn’t think you’re a disgusting pig and the kids down the hall from you stop telling you to shut up, I’ve devised a list of a few reminders for all of you.

Sing-a-longs are OK for karaoke night but not for school. Everyone likes guilty pleasures, but it isn’t appropriate to belt them out in the hallway or in your room with the door open. Believe it or not, some people may be studying in their dorm rooms and your voice may be considered distracting. Save Nick Lachey and The Lion King soundtrack for road trips in your car – ALONE! I don’t want to say I have better taste in music than you do…but I have better taste in music than you do.

What is funny to you may not be funny to the people you share a hall with. You say grinder, I say hero. I say liquor store, you insist on calling it a packy. When you are building a tower of cups to serve as a “Stag crossing” in the middle of the hallway, I really don’t find it funny. You may think it will amuse the tour going through the building, but honestly it is just an obstruction in the hallway.

There is a time and a place for cell phone calls. Dorm room, steps outside of your residence, on the path walking back from class: these are all acceptable places to make your phone call to complain about your roommate or obsess about your latest crush. One place I advise you not to make your phone call is sitting out in the hallway outside your neighbor’s door.

Frankly, I don’t want to hear your phone conversation and no one else does either. I’m sure even the person you are talking to on the phone doesn’t want to listen, but they remembered his or her manners. Another unsuitable place to talk on your phone would be in the stall in the bathroom. It sounds absurd, but I have heard two people talking while in the bathroom this week. Please be courteous to me and the person on the other line. No one wants to hear a toilet flushing in the background!

Holding doors is not just for knights in shining armor. Is chivalry dead? Maybe so. Some people have the common sense to hold the door open for the girl carrying a huge package of clothes she ordered online and others do not. For those who don’t, the next time you see someone with their arms full or anyone for that matter, hold the door for them. You may think you’re wasting thirty seconds of your life, but the girl you’re holding the door for may think you’re her Romeo.

When people are smiling at you, smile back please! No, I’m not some deranged stalker. I live on your floor and I’m saying hello to you! Instead of ignoring me or giving me a nasty glare, at least smile back. I know it’s a strain on your face, but it’s a simple polite gesture. Even a quick “hey” will do. People on campus may even think you are being friendly.

There is so much more I wish to address, but it’s impolite to ramble. Remember to say please and thank you, not talk with your mouth full, and honor thy neighbor!

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