To the Editor:

Does Ms. Phan know anything about FUSA or Fairfield besides how to drink and make a fool of her journalistic abilities? What she fails to realize is that yes, voting makes a difference, even to the seniors. The FUSA presidents in the last three years have been very different and led various campaigns. Look at the difference between last year and this year. Have you not noticed the FUSA office abuzz all day with students conducting office hours or doing work? FUSA now works as a well-oiled and structured organization thanks to FUSA President Jess DiBuono and Vice President Kristina Chomick. You should have chosen to vote. And here is why: 1. Why should YOU have to benefit from voting? Are you more important than the school? I can see you are going to be the perfect alum really paying attention to what goes on here after you leave. 2. Where were all the cupcakes and treats? Were you not in the BCC at all on Tuesday? Dunkin’ Donuts was practically open for business all day in front of the info desk. Furthermore, why should you get a cupcake if you are not going vote? I guess you did not check your mailbox either as both candidates left your precious treats in them over the weekend. 3. No advertising? Did you not attend either of the debates? What about the countless times both tickets went door to door in the dorms and townhouses? Signs in the café, car windows galore, and even Facebook groups. Do you live in a hole? 4. Do you expect the candidates to litter the beach with signs on private property or in front of the Seagrape so drunks can knock them down? You are right, the candidates should not target the Campus CENTER, why would you concentrate on where everyone walks through. Hey, don’t you work at the Mirror office in the BCC?! 5. Let’s just say if you are drinking between the voting hours of 9:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. on a Tuesday, then maybe you should take advantage of Fairfield’s counseling services. 6. Glad you condone being a follower. You are a great example for everyone at the school. Don’t lead, guys, just follow the crowd. Best of luck to you in three months in the real world following what everyone else says or does. 7. I won’t even waste ink trying to list the countless examples of students dedicating more hours to FUSA, than you do to drinking, in pursuit of the betterment of the school and student body. 8. The Mirror is the best way to highlight the platforms of each candidate so that the student body can be informed. How about you try to inform the students and encourage voting rather than bash and simply mislead your readers? P.S., great job endorsing The Mirror on the hard work they did to educate the students on the election. 9. If you wanted a cupcake then you should have voted! 10. Again, you are a senior and shouldn’t you be the one setting the example for the student body?

Sincerely, Marco Ambrosio ’07

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