Often I sit at my computer spurting out words addressing what I feel are huge injustices. But on this sunny day, the lawns have just been cut and the smell of a new season is wafting through my window.
The beauty of spring lies not only in the budding flowers and sun kissed cheeks. The beauty of spring is that it is time to shed our thick skin of winter and start anew. Yes, you could take this statement literally and presume that I speak of those excess pounds that we all insulate ourselves with during the winter. But, on a much larger scale we shed the skin of grudges.
We all go a little crazy during the winter months, when it seems as though you spend an endless amount of time on a particular friend’s futon. You have gotten a bit sick of hearing about your roommate’s ever-turbulent love life. The chapters assigned in class have somehow added up.
But now it is spring. With the urgency of the semester ending and the inviting weather, we find ourselves sitting on that futon less often. We muster the courage to study and fantasize about the perfect day at the beach and the ideal summer job.
The beauty of spring is that it brings hope for a new beginning and acceptance of some endings. Accept that you may have not gotten along perfectly with that one professor who consistently gives you C’s, next time you see him/her, don’t glare and cast the evil eye, say “hello” and comment how beautiful the spring day is. To that roommate who is consistently singing while you try to study, start singing with them. So, maybe now that unrealistic New Year’s resolution of a perfect 4.0 seems like a distant fairy tale, it doesn’t mean that you can’t finish up strong. As all professors can attest to, it is the progress made in the class that counts the most.
So maybe this article is about nothing in particular, but that’s ok. It’s spring, relax. One month to go. Don’t let the ever closer dates of finals turn you into a nervous wreck. Be reasonable, leave time for work and play. We all make those false promises to ourselves that we will live in the library for the next four weeks. Not necessary, it is a new season and the end of a year. No more of this counting down the days garbage, don’t focus on the 30 days ahead, focus on working and playing today.
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