Chris Huff ’04 has always had an affinity for the open sea.
Huff can be quite entertaining when his drinks have been spiked, or he has temporarily lost his mind coding HTML.
This photo was taken after Huff returned from a perilous mission to the Amazon, in search of house plants for his roommate, Certo. Huff traveled on the HMS Surprise, however, he made a crucial error.
Huff has a disdain for citrus fruits, and refused the limes and lemons offered to him by the crew of the Surprise. This was a mistake, as he later admitted. Right after he found the perfect plant and captured it in his plant retention device, he began showing symptoms of scurvy from malnutrition. “It was one of the strangest days of my life,” Huff said.
“I just remember wearing a cape and dancing a victory dance with my plant,” he said. “I don’t like to speak often about it.”
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