Thanksgiving has rotted my brain

particularly well this year. So instead of

attempting to come up with a convenient

460-word epic, I shall instead write a few

brief nuggets of things I’ve noticed around

cmapus since I returned:

* Is it dif’#64257;cult to get a date on campus?

I’d think it not so dif’#64257;cult, especially if a

dance is coming up, such as the Snowball

Dance on Dec. 11, but that hasn’t stopped

one person from trying something different.

One Dolan resident is taking “auditions” for

his date this coming Monday at 8 p.m. in

Dolan 455. The poster notes that potential

interested parties need not dress up, and that

an alternate will be chosen if the ‘#64257;nal winner

is unable to ful’#64257;ll her duties. Isn’t modernday

romance grand? All that’s missing is a

Simon Cowell to tear apart each girl as she

auditions. Hopefully there won’t be a talent

competition, but I, for one, hope there’ll

be bleachers for spectators to observe the

festivities. Any ladies feeling lucky should

visit William Kriewald for their audition.

All the hecklers can start searching StagWeb

for his extension to remind him why that’s

so weird.

* A few months ago, some places, such

as certain McDonald’s restaurants and the

Cumby’s Chill Zone, started using plastic

cups instead of paper. I loved this idea

– the cups can be rinsed out and reused, thus

reducing waste. Why steal cups from the

cafeteria when you can get these more readily

(not to mention they hold more liquid)?

Well, in an effort likely to boost sales, the

Stag is now giving them out with the large

size. This is great for those like myself who

tend to re’#64257;ll the cup a couple of times in a

day – now it can be rinsed out, reused and

reduce the cost of the soda. While Sodexho

might not like that idea, students should

jump at this chance and cheer. This is a great

way to further reduce the waste on campus.

Now we just need to see a larger rollout of

those recycling bins they put in the campus

center two years ago – we’re a large enough

ecosystem where enough recycling can actually

make a difference.

* Have any other Dolan residents noticed

the recent phenomenon of the shuttles

following each other? Monday at around

1 p.m. I saw it yet again; one shuttle was

heading up to Dolan to drop off and pick up

people a mere two minutes after the shuttle

I was on went up there. The shuttle service

is great for getting people around, but can’t

they be timed a little better so there’s not the

potential for 20 minute waits? It’s getting

cold, and the walk is much less inviting than

it used to be.

About The Author

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