Swift Takes Back Control

One of the fundamental parts of my personality is my absolute love for Taylor Swift, and I have never been shy about admitting this fact to almost anyone who will listen. So, these last couple of months of...

You’re My, My, My, My Lover

I have to say it and say it proudly: I love Taylor Swift. I know, I know. She can occasionally be problematic. Maybe she really did have that feud with Kanye for publicity, maybe she really is a snake, but I...

Taylor Swift’s New ‘Reputation’

I’ve had Taylor Swift’s new album, “Reputation” on my radar ever since the release of her single, “Look What You Made Me Do,” which I essentially ripped apart in a previous review. “Reputation”...

Look What You Made Me Review

Despite the long anticipated hype for the release of Taylor Swift’s new single, “Look What You Made Me Do,” it fell flat — literally. With its lack of a decent beat and mediocre lyrics, “Look What...