We’ll dance tonight
Beneath the
Yellow birches that
Line the earth like
Large light bulbs,
Illuminating streets in ways
Only something so beautiful
And natural can.
Large raindrops will fall
Through the leaves
To the beat of a
Stumped novelist at a typewriter
And we’ll follow the rhythm
As our feet clumsily splatter in a
Puddle of Earth’s tears.
Nature’s song
Is all we need
As we hustle to the
Raindrop Disco,
Artwork carefully crafted by the
Universe herself.
Let’s shimmy to the silent shower of
Bright lights and spin to
Soulful music erupting from
Our bodies dormant volcanoes
Ready to awaken.
As we jive,
We’ll inadvertently form our
Own rendition —
A raindrop disco only
We know.
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