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Student exhibit far from “Abandoned”

During a cold winter day filled with grey clouds, everything is lightly glazed with a thin layer of power white snow. A dark pickup truck is parked in front of an abandoned barn with shrinking window hole. "Abandoned" by Elyse Raby '08 conveys a serene and peaceful atmosphere.
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Chick flicks prove best for “watching a movie”

Most women at Fairfield have found the real meaning to going over to a guy's room to "watch a movie." Usually, watching a movie is the last thing on both people's minds. So I suggest the next time two people get together to "watch a movie," they should think about renting some chick flicks.
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Death Cab for Everyone

THE REVIEW In a world where simple, yet powerful, poetic lyrics take a back seat to the musical superabundance and watered down attempts at brilliance that flood the airwaves, bands like Death Cab for Cutie serve as humble messianic figures, forcing the pop crowd to think a little.
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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Bae got “the Point”

To the Editor: I would like to begin by applauding Liz Bae and her article, "Connecticut Post Misses the 'Point'," which was published in your Oct. 20 issue. As a Fairfield University student and a resident of Fairfield Beach Road, I feel that it is important that students take a stand and become vocal about their views.
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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Alumni mourn loss of 200 Nights

To the Editor: Upon reading The Mirror online last week, I was very disappointed to see that 200 Nights has been canceled. I attended 200 Nights last year, and it is true that there were a few things that went wrong with the evening. However, I do not regret attending 200 Nights.
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BLAIR NECESSITIES: Getting in touch with my feminine side

It's late October, and the heat of summer is little more than a memory (or a strong gust in the face coming from my townhouse heating vent). While I spent my fair share of time at the beach enjoying the season in all its splendor, I also have some very fond memories of one of my summer jobs.
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While it's difficult to recall a time when the Fairfield University campus was not peppered with small construction projects, the idea of a new dorm in the quad is a welcome one. The massive revamping of the Barone Campus Center and DiMenna Nyselius Library were necessary and appreciated additions to campus.
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Campus Crime Beat: Car damaged by speed bump

Tuesday, Oct. 18-- 1:22 a.m. A first-floor Claver resident found her window had been smashed. It was temporarily repaired and fixed in the morning. Thursday, Oct. 20-- 1:30 a.m. Excessive noise in the townhouses was reported. The noise continued, and when RHCs entered, alcohol and drug paraphernalia was found.
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A closer look at the academic treatment of student athletes

While athletes may be seen as demigods, capable of amazing physical feats, they are not above reproach. For at least 15 years, the National Collegiate Athletic Association has incorporated in its rulebook that college students are not to receive preferential treatment because of their athletic skills.