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Everybody’s talking

Chilling with a little guy: Sophomore Warren Edney and a young fan share a talk during Fairfield's nationally-televised 83-76 loss to Niagara. Edney, nursing a leg injury was one of four starters from the...
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University Web site overhauled

Fairfield revealed its newly re-designed Web site to the public Wednesday and already the renovation has its share of mixed reactions from students and faculty. Since the spring of 2008, Tellart Inc.,...
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Housing lottery survey leads to changes

On the night of the annual 'townhouse picking,' groups of sophomores sit in the Barone Campus Center to anxiously await the fate of their junior year. As more groups approach the housing chart and the...
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A long, strange journey

Herbie Allen stood at center court at the Arena at Harbor Yard Saturday, flanked by family members and his coach, Ed Cooley, for men's basketball senior night.

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He said: The other dreaded DUI: dialing under the influence

It's a well-known fact that the worst thing you can do when intoxicated is to either dial or text under the influence. Although I too have contributed to this societal ailment, I offer you some words of wisdom to make sure you don't fall victim to making a drunken 3 a.m. phone call of your own.

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She said: The other dreaded DUI: dialing under the influence

As the days of second semester begin to decrease, the number of misspelled text messages and slurring drunk dials seem to increase.

We all get it at some point in our lives, the classic case of drunk dialing and drunk texting. It almost makes me wonder what life was like before cell phones. The game was completely different. Now you can request a booty call in transit from the bar to your house and most likely receive a response within seconds. I'm not sure if this technology has been more of an advantage or a form of complete embarrassment.

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Keeping your friends in one place

This past Thanksgiving, I was taken aback when a cousin of mine asked me how many friends I had on Facebook. It's not personal information; anyone can log in and check my friend list. But there, with no...
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Editorial: Persistance needed

New Web site a work in progress Since the end of the 2008 spring semester, the University made it known that its Web site would be undergoing significant changes. When the new site went live last week, the...