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She said: Last call for seniors

In a 'column' about college stereotypes, sometimes it's hard to figure out if statements are completely true. Luckily, the stereotypes at Fairfield are often reality.

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New train station project stalls

Fairfield's development of a third train station off lower Black Rock Turnpike indirectly involving some University officials is stalled indefinitely, leaving students wondering if they will ever get...
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Gauntlet Grant

Forget the Metropolitan Museum of Art; Bellarmine Hall might be your Art History class' next field trip.

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She Said

If I see one more Facebook album titled 'The Final Stretch' or 'oNe LaSt SeMeStEr,' I may spontaneously erupt in tears.' Not at the lack of creativity, but at the direct acknowledgement that after college, engaging in such debauchery is actually known as alcoholism.'


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She Said: Would you rather?

Go on a blind date or be a third wheel... When your 'couple friends' (you know who these people are) ask you to accompany them to dinner, it's probably because you are sitting on the couch watching television,...