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Letter to the Editor

In the last couple of days, there has been a lot of debate about a performance at Apollo Night. After reading the opinion section of The Mirror, it was clear that both authors made valid points. However, since the publishing of the article, one author has been pinpointed as a target by the same students who stood on stage supporting the right of freedom of speech.
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WVOF: What to listen to next

If you’re a longtime fan of Real Estate or you’re just hearing about them now, be sure to listen to their newest album released this week. With the New Jersey band’s third and best record to date, they have found a way to make full use of their familiar sound without being redundant.
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From coast to coast: Fairfield student to bike 2,400 miles for charity

After a long day of classes and conflicts, Lauren Haviland ’15 shuffled to Gonzaga Hall for Glee Club practice at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 21. As she indifferently took her seat, she leisurely pulled out her iPhone and scrolled through her emails. When her eyes fell upon one email, her day and her future were completely changed.

Shah: a rapper on the rise

A new voice is making its way as an upcoming local artist of rap music. After having listened to Shah’s first five debut songs, I have come to the simple conclusion that he is like any new artist: he’s got raw talent and a strong voice.
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Stags head to Springfield with confidence

If someone had asked Head Coach Joe Frager at the beginning of the season where he thought his team would finish in the standings for the regular season, there are a lot of different things he could have said.