A couple weekends ago, I was out dining with my parents at Plan B Burger when a vibrant new sign caught my eye that I had to check out. bfresh is a new grocery store in the neighborhood and it is stocked with fresh produce, vegan and organic options and lunch options like the grill, a sushi station and salad bar.grill

bfresh is similar to that of a Whole Foods and is located just off Post Road. The market occupies most of the newly sold post office building and is owned by Ahold, the owners of Stop and Shop. bfresh is Ahold’s new approach at wooing the younger, millennial shoppers of the neighborhood, and they certainly caught my attention. This is bfresh’s second location, the first being Allston, Massachusetts, and they have a lot to prove given the competitive specialty stores in the area. But, for Fairfield students especially, the convenient location on Post Road as opposed to Whole Foods, which is no longer on the StagBus route, is an attraction.

When I stepped into bfresh, I was expecting a much smaller, more specialized marketplace. I was pleased to find that the staff was quite warm — they call their employees “teammates” – and the shelves were well-stocked. While bfresh is full of specialty items similar to what you would find at Whole Foods, their pricing is more reasonable, though still more than what you would find at Stop and Shop, Shop Rite or Trader Joe’s.

Their beautiful displays and neon signs captivate the shopper’s attention while the whole store remains pared down and easy to navigate. bfresh is definitely a friendly environment to get your shopping done. Needless to say, I left with a freshly-made turkey sandwich and a drink from the grill and walked away pleased.

The market is open to shoppers and is preparing for its grand opening, which will be held Friday, Nov. 6.

4 stars

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