Stress is one of the most terrible feelings in the world. I’m stressed as I write this. And most of you are probably stressed as you read this: Don’t worry, you won’t be graded.

You either have a paper looming or a presentation in the making. Perhaps a test you haven’t studied for or a speech you haven’t written. Well, before you take that as a reminder and start doing any of those things, just know that we are all in the same boat.

Do any of you do something completely opposite to your work that is constructive, yet unimportant? I honestly will find myself cleaning my room, which I never do, just so I can procrastinate more. The mere fact that I can see my carpet somehow lights a fire under my ass and gets my brain moving.

I feel that I’ve had my share of near mental breakdowns and survived enough to offer you some of the tricks I learned over the years.

Laughter is a good way, if not the best way, to relieve stress. Try a cruel practical joke on a friend or family member. Their pain and suffering will totally relieve your stress. Hey, I’m laughing at my own jokes and it’s working for me, which is sad and now I’m depressed and stressed.

Imagery is great. Picturing a quiet scene with all your senses, like a tropical beach: what it looks, smells, tastes, feels, and sounds like is helpful in relieving stress. Why not picture the gorgeous person you have a crush on or are in love with naked? Wow, this is easier than you thought, right?

Have some exercise in your schedule. This gets out a lot of the anger, and can be an esteem builder since you think you can run faster or lift more because of your adrenaline.

Get enough sleep, but not too much. When you’re stressed, you sometimes have trouble sleeping, while others spend most of their time sleeping (typically through the class they’re stressing about).

To help with insomnia, get your exercise during the day, not at night right before you go to bed.

For this reason it is best to have sex during the day. Have her give you a massage right before bed. Just a little experience tip there.

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