Hysterical, witty and heartfelt to boot, the comedy-drama series ‘Scrubs’ is back for its eighth season, having aired the first episode of the new season on January 6, 2009 on ABC.
‘ The show is centered around narrator and main character John Michael ‘J.D.’ Dorian while he matures and learns life lessons while going on and off with his best friend and former girlfriend Elliot Reid. Death, love, coexistence and friendship are common themes, as is bending the rules for the betterment of poor or hapless patients at Sacred Heart Hospital. Though the show can be downright silly and ridiculous at times- especially when J.D.’s daydreams are played out – there is always a moral for each episode, usually narrated by J.D. at the conclusion.
‘ In the midst of the seventh season, no episodes were shown between Dec. 6, 2007 and’ April 10, 2008 due to the 2007-2008 writers’ strike. The long awaited finale aired on May 8, 2008, concluding the series’ run on NBC.
‘ Season seven ended on an ambiguous note with J.D. and Elliot lying next to one another on a bed holding hands, all the while discussing their past relationship, which includes their several romantic encounters. In this moment, it became clear that Elliot was not, and will most likely never be ready to marry her now ex-fiance, Dr. Keith Dudemeister.
‘ Season eight began with quite a surprise. Chief of Medicine Dr. Kelso was forced into retirement after Elliot expressed that she wanted to throw him a birthday party. Eventually, the board found out his actual age, which was over 65. The board decided that it would let him stay, but being that Dr. Kelso could not set aside his pride, he decided to leave the hospital anyway. Despite his leave, though, Dr. Kelso still frequents the hospital – he has appeared in all four episodes because he won free muffins for life at the hospital.
Courtney Cox makes a brief appearance as the new chief of medicine, but doesn’t last long at the hospital because the rest of the cast begin to see her for the type of person she is: money hungry, and not at all interested in the patients’ well being.
In terms of relationships, J.D. and Elliot have been spending a great deal of time together, and their relationship has been the strongest is has ever been, despite the fact that they are not an actual couple … yet.
The most recent episode ends with a talk between Dr. Kelso, Elliot and J.D. that was sparked by an interest in why Kelso has been at the hospital everyday instead of off playing golf. After the embarrassment passes, he answers that he comes to the hospital daily simply because he likes going there; he instructs Elliot and J.D. to stop caring about what everyone else thinks, do what they like, and seek what makes them happy.
The story lines of the past four episodes of season eight have resembled the earlier seasons, in that they have been, frankly, more serious and less silly, which I’m sure has pleased die-hard ‘Scrubs’ fans. All in all, the eighth season has succeeded at meshing ridiculous antics and story lines with very realistic, relevant life situations.
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