Ahh, spring is finally in the air. Nothing makes me happier than sunlight until 7 p.m., one blanket on the bed instead of three and stuffing my Uggs into the back of my closet. I don’t care if it hasn’t hit 50 degrees yet, I’ve already made a commitment to my flip-flops for the rest of the semester.
Now is also the time when everybody comes out of hiding. It feels like the entire school is at the gym trying to shed that extra layer of winter hibernation padding, campus just seems busier and the Point deck becomes the Saturday afternoon congregation spot.
And who could forget the most notable part of springtime: For the animal kingdom, it’s mating season (and college students are the closest a human can get to actually being an animal). This explains why people you would never picture together are suddenly coupling up, and the gossip is getting more appalling.
Apparently, as far as random hook-ups are concerned, all bets are off as the end of the year approaches. (We know, we know, the sun was in your eyes and he just happens to look that much better with a tan – it’s OK, no one’s judging you.) After all, in two months we’ll have the entire summer to forget every weird thing you did this spring.
Although this season has its many perks (longer days, warmer weather, shorter skirts), spring brings with it something not so positive – the indisputable desire to do absolutely nothing productive/school-related when the sun is out.
For those of you who live on campus, I’m sure you get distracted from your work when you see a game of Frisbee going on in the Quad that you have to join – used to happen to me all the time. (I can’t throw a Frisbee to save my life, but I’ve heard it’s all in the wrist.)
Beach residents should just give it up now. I don’t know about the rest of you, but my house is anything but sound proof; once the keg on the Point is tapped, anything my housemates or I were trying to accomplish is completely abandoned in favor of a cold afternoon beverage with friends.
Sorry, but I can’t even finish this week’s column – I have to sit on the bench for an intramural softball game.
Happy spring!
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