If you didn’t know by now, I’m not exactly what you would call a “sports enthusiast.” Apparently, my Powder Puff experience earlier this year taught me nothing. I didn’t watch one professional football game all year, nor did I really care that the Patriots had a perfect season going into the Super Bowl. As a New Jersey native, I harbor a general hatred for all Boston-based teams (even though Tom Brady is my future husband/father of my children) not because I actually care, but just because it’s the law.
That being said, I was surprised to find myself really enjoying Sunday’s game. I knew what was going on (mostly) and did a pretty good job of paying attention the entire time. (I’m easily distracted.) Aside from the actual football being played, multiple other aspects contributed to me having an all around great time on this year’s Super Bowl Sunday.
Musical performances: Did anybody else enjoy Paula Abdul trying to be Britney Spears, circa 2001, as much as I did? Alicia Keys was pretty awesome too, but her performance just perpetuated the conversation my roommates and I always have: Why do some people have so many talents while others have zero? All we want is one good one!
Snacks: I look forward to all holidays that revolve around eating, and Super Bowl Sunday is basically a holiday. Commit this to memory right now: You can eat whatever you want in large quantities and it doesn’t count. (Good thing, because Spring Break is only 22 days away.) Even if you feel guilty afterward, there’s always a way to rationalize it: “That spinach dip is pretty much a vegetable,” “Archie’s wings have a ton of protein,” “I had to drink those five beers because … ” well, there’s really no getting around that one.
Watching Pats fans suffer: There was nothing better than watching my grown, male, Pats-fan friends stare at the television in disbelief and then proceed to not speak to anyone for the rest of the night. Others had a slightly more intense reaction (the proof is in the knuckle marks on the door of the Toolbox), but either way I’m sure their display was satisfying for any fan of the G-Men. And even more importantly, I’m confident that this win will shut all Boston fans up for good – or at least until baseball season starts.
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