In addition to the trick-o-treat-ers, costume parties and cans and cans of shaving cream, the Saw series has now become an annual Halloween tradition. Each Saw film has gone one step further when it comes to horror films, and Saw 3 is no exception. The storyline used in Saw 3 is so much more violent, gruesome and extremely disturbing that it makes its predecessors seem as tame as an episode of Sponge Bob.

“Saw 3” starts off right where the second left off, with Donnie Wahlberg’s character chained to a pipe in the infamous bathroom where most of the first film took place. After showing his act of desperation to escape, the movie kicks off with Jigsaw and his new accomplice Amanda kidnapping an emotionally complex doctor, Lynn, and forcing her to play a game. The goal of the game is to keep the dying Jigsaw alive long enough for another victim, Jeff, to complete his own twisted game.

Aside from the main story, the film uses flashbacks throughout the movie, with each scene piecing together some of the questions viewers had after watching the previous two films, most notably the fate of victims Adam (Saw 1) and Detective Matthews (Saw 2).

As far as blood and violence go, “Saw 3” comes out on top as the most disturbing of the trilogy. With all these new diabolical death traps presented in the new Saw film, I can’t help but feel a little disconcerted that there is actually someone out there who can think of these sick and twisted ideas. This film, as the other two, is only recommended by those with a strong stomach.

The “Saw 3” DVD also comes packed with a load of special features, including several deleted scenes, audio commentaries with producers and directors and a couple of features dedicated to the traps that make the Saw movies some of the most popular horror films.

If you have already seen any of its predecessors, you pretty much know what to expect from “Saw 3.” If you weren’t a fan of the first two, there isn’t any point of watching this one, because chances are you will hate it too. As for the fans of the series, expect to see much more blood, violence and plot twists, in the best Saw film so far.

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