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Visual spectacle of ’60s mayhem

There is a game that I used to play with my friends. We would try to speak only using the lyrics of a song. For example, I would say, "Brandy she's a fine," and my friend would reply, "What a good wife she would be." The conversations rarely made sense, but it was more of an exercise to see if we could remember all the lyrics. o see if we could remember all the lyrics. Julie Taymor's "Across the Universe" is an expansion of this game creating an entire film around Beatles songs. The musical uses only Beatles songs performed by the cast, much like the hit pop-culture musical "Moulin Rouge."
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The invasion of the fat, lazy father figure

D'oh! is probably one of the most recognizable sounds in the world. This Sunday "The Simpsons" is set to begin its 19th season, just three seasons short of replacing "Gunsmoke" as the longest-running television show. What started out as a short on "The Tracy Ullman's Show" has become the definition of Middle America.
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Stagstock Gets The Shaft

Those who just came show the power of food, said Andrew Simone '08 while introducing ALOHA at Stagstock. After a pause he added, "and a great band." Simone was not wrong to point out the power of food since great bands had been playing all day Saturday to an almost-empty lawn up until the pizza arrived at 6 p.m.
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New Exhibit Features Art You Can Sit On

Students don't often consider the placement of their favorite movie poster above their bed or the color of their futon as artistic expressions, but a new exhibit is proving otherwise. "Living With Art," an exhibit created by the University College Interior Design program, is showcasing room design as an artistic venture.
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Workshop Takes Theatre Off-Stage

Put on sweat pants and tennis shoes and head down to the Oak Room in the BCC this Friday for "Theatre Games for Life, Love and Career: A Workshop." Katie McLaughlin '07 created the workshop as part of her independent study project. "I have been interested in looking at how theatre skills can be applied to other situations beyond a theatre performance," said McLaughlin.
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Nothing Worth Seeing in ‘Invisible’

What would you do if you were invisible? Apparently, scream a lot. Atleast that is what the main character Nick Powell (Justin Chatwin) chooses to do in "The Invisible." "The Invisible" is the latest film from the creators of "The Sixth Sense," who specialize in movies where the main character doesn't really exist for most of the film.
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Don’t Run Away from this ‘Hot Fuzz’

The makers of the popular 2004 zombie flick "Shaun of the Dead" are back with another parody. Instead of zombie flicks Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg are paying tribute to the cheesiness of cop films like "Bad Boys" and the "Lethal Weapon" series in "Hot Fuzz.
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Battle of the Bands Rocks The Levee

This past Thursday, the volume at The Levee was pumped up by FUSA's Battle of the Bands. The night included eclectic performances from local Fairfield University bands ranging from classic rock to acoustic soul.
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Mosh Pit Madness

As summer concert season rolls around, so too does the tradition of moshing. Moshing dates back to the 1970s rock scene when members of the crowd gathered together to slam, shove and push into one another. There is also the more glamorous aspect of crowd surfing or stage diving where one's body is pushed around by members of the crowd.
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As the Days Go By … At Fairfield

Life is truly fleeting. One minute your kindergarten teacher is reprimanding you for calling Lionel "fat" and, the next, you're at the prom, you're hammered and apparently, your girlfriend is having a panic attack. I can remember the end of the high school era and the summer that everyone still talks about.