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‘Superman’ succeeds where Marvel fails

Hey everybody, Comic Book Boy here with this week's little gem, "Superman/Doomsday." The movie was released on DVD Tuesday and is the first of a series to go straight to DVD, which will focus on adapting individual graphic novel classics into 70-80 minute animated features.
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The comic boy’s back for more

Greetings, once again to old readers and welcome to new readers! Comic Book Boy here again and making some changes for this year. I will still be reporting about the best books in the superhero domain, but I'm also going to spend a fair chunk of time talking about the best indie books.
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Spider-Man: The Story Continues . . .

It's that time again true believers! Spider-Man returns to theaters this Friday for a third installment. To catch you up, Spiderman has discovered his powers, defeated both the Green Goblin (William Dafoe) and Dr. Ock. It has been revealed to Harry (James Franco) and Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst) that Peter (Toby Maguire) is, in fact, Spider-Man.
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A New Justice League

Acclaimed, New York Times best selling author Brad Meltzer has been writing the newest incarnation of the "Justice League" series since last July starting with "Justice League of America," or JLA for short #0. Since then, issue #7 came out and finished his first JLA storyline.
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The Passion of the Imus

In the April 4th edition of "Imus in the Morning," host Don Imus had a discussion with his producer about the Rutgers women's basketball team who had lost in the women's National Championship game the previous night. During their banter, Imus referred to the team as "nappy headed ho's.
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‘300’ Is A Blood-Splattering Fun Time

The film adaptation of Frank Miller's graphic novel "Sin City" took the world by storm in 2005, and now the adaptation of Miller's "300" is quickly becoming the movie of the moment. "300" delivers with epic larger-than-life performances and stunning visuals taken almost verbatim from the book.
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Comic Book Boy Goes Up, Up, and Away and to the Comic-Con

Editor's Note: "Comic Book Boy" attended the Comic Convention in New York City last week. While there he was able to discuss the industry with Jeanine Schaeffer, an associate editor at DC Comics as well as Ryan Dunlavey, artist for Action Philosophers and Fred Van Lente, writer for Action Philosophers.
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Josh Whedon Steers From His Television Roots

Joss Whedon, known for writing and creating the cult hit television shows "Buffy: The Vampire Slayer" and "Firefly" is now the writer and creator of the "Astonishing X-Men" series. Whedon has been writing this series for three years. The series is released bi-monthly so there are only a total of 18 issues thus far, but they have been an exceptional 18 issues both from the story aspect and from the artistic aspect.
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Being Single on V-Day isn’t D-Day

Last year on Valentine's Day, when I was going to school in Manhattan, it was impossible to get on a train or bus without seeing at least four couples sitting next to each other, heads lying one on top of the other, and whispering, or at least saying as quietly as possible, to each other that same three word phrase. How did I feel about that? Well, over the years I've developed two views on being single on Valentine's Day.