The one thing that everyone thinks about when they first hear about college is parties, and through parties, alcohol. The parents wonder how strict the school’s policies and security are, and the prospective students wonder how easy it is to acquire the much sought after alcohol.

As a college with no frats or sororities on or near campus, you would think that it would be pretty hard to get alcohol. At least that’s what I thought.

It’s surprising how many freshmen get drunk every night, including weekdays. Living in Regis, you hear everything that goes on in the quad, especially since most of the drunk people are residents of Regis.

The class of 2010 is called a special class because it broke the record for being the most diverse class in the history of Fairfield University. It has also broken the record for trips to the hospital due to overly-intoxicated students.

You would think that there are parties along with the drinking, but in fact, is is usually just people taking a few shots in a room, and then walking around the quad, or the rest of the dorm, until campus security happens to be patrolling in that area, and takes them to the health center.

Some people look like they’re having fun, and some look like they’re rethinking standing around doing nothing. I think some people really do have fun, but most are just trying to get “the college experience.”

Drinking is fun, especially when you’re out with your friends, but here it’s different. It’s more of a thing to do to waste time. Some people liven up the night by going berserk, tripping and unable to sit in a chair. If they remember the night, chances are they had fun.

I can’t say I think less of drinking. It’s still great if you have the right people, music and opportunities. I just think a little less of the people that I see stumbling around, waking up everyone that has their windows open, facing the quad at 3 a.m. on a Tuesday night, yelling just for the hell of it, or thinking they are cute because everyone can hear their conversations with an equally drunk person. How could the R.A.s or security not hear you?

I am not anti-drinking. I don’t care who drinks and who doesn’t. People could drink every night, and I don’t particularly care, because I am not the one getting up for the 8 a.m. class the next morning still drunk or hungover.

The thing that scares me, are the people who hurt themselves and the ones who get sent to the hospital for serious treatment. Those cases make me more “responsible,” but they don’t stop anyone from drinking again. Sometimes it’s kind of sad.

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