To the Editor:

My name is Ryan Neubauer and I am running for FUSA President. I am an accounting major from Cranston, R.I., and a junior here at Fairfield. For the past three years, I’ve had the opportunity to serve FUSA in more than one capacity; first as class council president, then on the constitutional convention and now as treasurer on the executive board. I feel that these experiences are of extreme importance for two reasons, one being that I’ve had the opportunity to view the leaders of FUSA from different vantage points, something that has helped me to develop ideas and to personally strengthen my leadership skills. With each passing year, I expand my knowledge of FUSA, its capabilities and its inner workings. The responsibility of the FUSA president is no minor task. Its leader must possess a combination of experience and knowledge, both of which I am confident in saying that I can offer FUSA in the upcoming year. Thank you for listening and I urge you to get out and vote on Feb. 28.

Sincerely, Ryan Neubauer ’07 Ashley Toombs ’07

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