To the Editor:

The article written by Jess Mitchell is disturbing for at least two reasons.

First, to my reading, the article does not explain clearly who did what to whom. It reports that it was Deirdre Eller who removed the issues of The Mirror. But the article then says that Mark Reed, ” . . . is the only administrator who can authorize the pulling of an issue of The Mirror.”

Who, finally, is responsible? I’ve read this article several times, and I can’t resolve this ambiguity. My conclusion: you have not reported clearly who was responsible for removing the issues of The Mirror. This apparent shortcoming is unfortunate, given the seriousness of this issue.

That said, let me now share my primary concern: the alleged censorship (by removal) of a university newspaper, apparently by some university administrators.

If the facts of this article are correct, I am deeply disturbed by the actions ascribed to Eller and/or Reed. Their actions, as you report them, seem blatantly to contradict important university and societal values.

I hope that The Mirror will dig more into the facts of this case, that it will attend more carefully to its reporting and writing, and that when given the facts, the University community will respond forcefully to what appears to be unjustified censorship.


Dr. David P. Schmidt

Associate Professor of Business

Ethics; Chair of the Management

Department Dolan School of Business

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