Throughout the school year, students work tirelessly on academics and extracurricular activities that will hopefully one day earn them a job in the field of their choice. We are all focused on achieving the highest grade point averages and joining clubs, and sometimes it’s all we can think about. But, it doesn’t have to be.
College students still have one thing to help keep them focused and driven: summer vacation. That stretch away from school is precious because after graduation, it will become more difficult to find time to do the things in life we love.
During summer vacation, students try to find part-time jobs and internships, hoping to build up their resumes. They are always in “work mode.” But, there is another option for students to think about while away from college, one that may seem foreign to them, and that’s to relax and reflect. I believe that doing other things that interest them will allow students to think about life outside the classroom. So take a step back, deep breath and take a moment to do these activities over the summer while you’re away from Fairfield.
Wake up and watch the sunrise
While in college, students are always either studying or spending time with friends. Getting up early to see the sunrise isn’t even on their minds. Waking up to watch the sunrise can be highly relaxing and can make us think about everything going on in our lives in a different way. It can be inspiring.
Attend various concerts
Summer vacation can be the perfect time to enjoy outdoor concert events. Notable bands tour the country to perform their hits in front of thousands of fans looking to let loose and create long-lasting memories with their friends. As time is limited during the school year, see as many shows during the summer as possible.
While at Fairfield, it is very difficult to make time to travel to different areas and cities in the northeast. Yes, New York City is a train ride away, but with constant papers to write and tests to study for, there doesn’t leave a lot of time to see what’s outside of the campus walls. Summer should be a time when students can take advantage of travel because they won’t constantly be bombarded with school work. If you live in the northeast; head west. Go somewhere different, to a place you haven’t experienced before, like California, Illinois or Texas. You could find that after graduating from Fairfield that one of the places you visited is where you see yourself in the years to come.
There are a multitude of ways students can spend their summer vacation, and these are just a few suggestions. This isn’t to say that college students who plan on working or being involved in an internship program can’t try these activities or others like them. I believe that life is about managing time and balancing priorities. Although students have responsibilities during the summer, making time for doing the things we love is important. A bucket list doesn’t have to relate to students’ lives academically or professionally. It’s a list meant for us to decide what we want to do and what we want to experience. If we don’t do take time to relax and reflect, then I think the question needs to be asked, what is it that we are doing, and is it really what we want?
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