Thankfully, the long weekend for President’s Day has fallen right after Valentine’s Day this year, making going home to “the boyfriend” quite feasible and simple.
But then I thought about all my Fairfield women who may be swayed to do naughty things this Thursday night. So, I knew I had to share what I know about Valentine’s Day.
Valentine’s Day was a holiday created to bring people together. However, it seems like around this day, single people are angry about being single and those who aren’t single are, well, not sure about what to do, except go spend time with their significant other and hope to avoid dirty looks from single people.
What side of the relationship swing is it better to be on?
My first instinct tells me it’s much better to be invested in a healthy, steady relationship when the 14th rolls around.
Random play is all right for any other time, but after hooking up with someone on Valentine’s Day, you and your casual hookup will realize you have entered a completely new level of weirdness.
I can’t say much from personal experience since I have had the same valentine for the last four years. However, a whole other list of things happen when you are in a college relationship on this day.
If you consider yourself a red at the stoplight party, by some, you are regarded as one of those lucky people.
In other cases, you are forced to deal with the death look – a disgusted look of jealousy and hatred – just because you are in a relationship on Valentine’s Day.
Suddenly, you are “un-single” and you immediately try to avoid the subject of boys for the next few days.
But, I can understand the bad looks sometimes.
For my Fairfield ladies, it’s pretty much impossible to keep a Fairfield boy on a chain, mainly because they are either too dumb to remember that you are in a relationship (or at least “together,”) or their male friends often talk them out of being in a relationship at all (hence, all the “yellows” at the stoplight party – am I right, or am I right?).
That’s why I would say the long distance relationship is a great way to go to ensure a healthy relationship in college, ensuring a good Valentine’s day in at least one of your four years here at Fairfield.
Sure, when you were entering school everyone told you that you shouldn’t be tied down to a relationship.
But from what I’ve witnessed, most Fairfield woman realize that hooking up with random people on the weekends really doesn’t give them any real comfort the morning after. They realize it when they are going to brunch with their friends and dishing out the latest “I’ve been bad” story, or finding out, through the course of the following day, that after you passed out, your male companion was equally interested in that girl in one of your classes last semester.
Like I said before, hooking up with someone random on Valentine’s Day is a big no-no. It just screams “bad idea.”
It’s the 14th of February – really just another day. Why get so fussy about it? If you really enjoy being a single mama this V-Day, good for you.
Everyone assumes that Valentine’s day is for a romantic love, but what about the love you have for your friends and family? If you are single, celebrate with those people, and show the Fairfield boys that you don’t need the random hook-up. Well, for one night at least.
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