Fairfield University offers a liberal and humanistic approach to education, encouraging students to think both ethically and religiously. The vast array of classes and professors give students a chance to focus not only on what they major in but also on other areas. I spoke to students about some of their favorite classes and professors.
Senior Eleanor Davis, creator of “The Point Magazine,” spoke extremely highly about professor Adam Rugg. Davis has had Rugg for two classes; “Sports Media” and “Culture, and Mass Media and Society.”
“Adam Rugg is not only an amazing teacher but also a compassionate and thoughtful educator,” she said. “He makes students feel heard and understood. His class discussions were the reason I fell in love with media, and he holds all of his students to the highest standard because he knows what we are capable of.”
Senior Allison Witheford, a communication major with a minor in management, spoke greatly of professor Niall Brennan.
“He is extremely personable and cares about what he is teaching and really gets to know his students,” she said. “It makes such a difference to take classes where the professors truly care about their students.”
Alexis Cooper, who is a senior psychology major, added her opinions about how and why she came to what she loves.
It was Linda A. Henkel, Ph.D., in the Psychology Department that made the impact on her.
“Professor Henkel made me realize that I want to do research and continue with helping the mental health community through research,” she said. “I’m her teaching intern right now, which has made me realize that I might want to be a teacher one day!”
For me personally, the greatest course I have taken here was “Grant and Proposal Writing” with professor Tom Sobocinski. It was one of the most rewarding and educational classes I have taken at Fairfield. Professor Sobocinski was kind, humorous and thoughtful. He introduced a topic that most of us knew nothing about. My group worked with a non-profit called “Hall Neighborhood House.”
Working with nonprofit organizations and learning about all that goes into it was rewarding unto itself. I have done a lot of volunteer work in the past years, but learning how much effort, time and care goes into these non-profits is truly admirable. It would be something that I could see myself doing down the road. It brings about a sense of accomplishment and meaning, unlike other jobs. I learned more than ever the importance of doing good and helping those around you. I have never had the pleasure of understanding the importance and need for organizations that help to keep children and people of all ages safe, off the streets and educated.
What “Hall Neighborhood house” does to help and pave a future for these individuals is admirable and heartwarming. If our class and these grants can even so much as slightly contribute and make things easier for these non-profits, then this has been the greatest and most meaningful class I have ever, and will ever, have the pleasure to take.
As my college experience winds down, I look back on all the classes and professors I have taken and had. Some were wonderful and others not, but every professor and class were educational and an experience. Fairfield has given me the opportunity to take a wide array of classes and push me out of my comfort zone. It has been an honor to be a student here and to have had these experiences.
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