Gathered around a table, Jessica Fontanello ‘12, Christie Fogelstorm ‘12, Chelsea Pabon ‘12 and Nicole Laskowski ’12 worked feverishly on a poster to hang in the upper level BCC in order to promote the upcoming meeting of the on campus club known as “Comm.Unity.”
“I have high hopes for this club,” said current president Fontanello. “I want Comm.Unity to be extremely well known. I want it to be beneficial for everyone on campus.”
While the club has existed for some time, it has not had a huge following in previous years and has not had much recognition, unlike other clubs. “I’ve always known Comm.Unity but I’ve never seen much advertisement,” said Pabon. “I didn’t know what the club entailed or when they even met.”
Comm.Unity is one of Fairfield University’s numerous clubs on campus and as the name hints, its main focus is, yes, you guessed it, to communicate. The club will focus on providing assets and tools for students entering the work force.
“Comm.Unity is a resource, an outlet for students to gain experience for life after graduation via workshops, internships, etc,” said Fontanello. “It’s for students to get a better understanding of the job field. We want people to know how to communicate. I want that to be the main take away.”
“We want to help people. We want students to learn from each other,” added Laskowski.
While the name may suggest the club is designed just for Communication majors, the officers of the club make it extremely clear Comm.Unity is open to all students of every major.
“It’s for everyone, not just for Comm majors,” reassures Fogelstorm. “It helps in interviews and getting a job all together. This club is a great opportunity to expand your resume and network.”
“Communication is a skill not limited to specific majors. You need it for all occupations,” adds Laskowski. “You need to be able to communicate for all occupations.”
As the officers sat around talking to each other, they began to strategize and discuss potential plans and activities for the upcoming semester. “We plan on having panel discussions with professionals, grad students and alumni who have gone into the communication field,” says Fontanello. “We also plan on having workshops on PowerPoint, Microsoft Word and guest lecturers. We will include mock interviews, help revise resumes and practice public speaking.”
“We plan on hopefully having successful businessmen and professional companies come to talk about what they’re looking for in interns and in prospective employees. We want them to discuss what companies look for in interviews, what to wear and how to speak,” adds Fogelstorm. “It’s not meant to be serious, though. We want the meetings to be fun as well.”
Each of them is taking an initiative by doing their part to support the club. They are working together just as their name states: as a community.
“We intend to take a more hands-on approach. We plan to dorm storm and get advertised in the Mirror,” says Pabon. “We were all given titles but no individual part is bigger than another. We are a team. We are a community.”
It’s clear they plan on making Comm.Unity one of the most valuable and perhaps most essential clubs at Fairfield University. They hope to graduate knowing they left behind a huge asset to students who wish to better themselves.
Comm.Unity’s first meeting will be held in the lower level BCC on Wednesday Sept. 28 at 7:30 p.m. All students of every major are welcome.
“People say college is the best four years of your life,” said Pabon, “I just want to make sure Comm.Unity is a part of that.”
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