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Satire: Troubled waters

University announces that no new students will be able to live off-campus after the 2009-2010 academic year due to the decreased amount of incoming freshmen and a tight economic budget.

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SAT-optional should not be an option

The administration made a mistake when it announced that it would make the submission of SAT (and ACT) scores optional.' This new policy is not in the long-term interest of alumni or current and future...
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Party etiquette 101: Classy vs. trashy

From Joe College to Joe Schmoe you can always find a variety of people at a party, from the guy who is designated driver to the guy who should have been cut off five drinks ago. We all know the people who keep...
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Condoms: When religion and reality collide

When it came to sex education, I remember being told in both middle school and high school that abstinence should be the first choice, but, if necessary, one should always use a condom to protect against...