Now that all new and old Stags are finally starting to get into a routine and learning the tricks and the trades of Fairfield University, there is one thing that often times students may not know or forget about one of the most popular places on this 200-acre campus. There is etiquette established for dining in Barone. No, I’m not saying that you have to eat with a napkin on your lap, or get a salad fork; but there are just some things that you do and don’t do while satisfying your appetites with Sodexho delicacies.

1. Don’t show up to peak Barone hours with your entire floor/wing. While it might be convenient to yell down the hall and ‘rally the troops,’ there is no way all twenty of you are fitting at ANY table in Barone, no matter how hard you try.

2. A StagCard reserves a table. Just because you don’t see any backpacks, textbooks or Vera Bradley wristlets doesn’t mean there isn’t a table full of people getting
their food or stir-frying. One Stag-Card can mean up to eight people at a Barone table. Try Again.

3. If you Stir-Fry, CLEAN UP. I understand that you have been waiting for a stir-fry machine for ten minutes, or you’re in a rush to make your omelet before your 8 a.m. class, but please, clean up your plate, your spatula and your butter wrappers. A messy Stag is definitely not cool.

4. Buffalo/Hot Sauce Lovers-Watch the clock, and go easy. Hey, who doesn’t love some grilled buffalo chicken when they can’t find anything to eat in Barone? But it’s the use of buffalo sauce before noon that may upset some other students. I understand that sometimes you crave hot sauce, but please, be considerate; it’s no fun burning off the nose hairs of the person stir-frying next to you.

5. Don’t hog the Toppings Bar after getting your Fro-Yo/Ice-Cream. Maybe you call them Jimmies, maybe you call them Sprinkles, but no one appreciates dipping the Rainbow Sprinkle spoon into the Oreo Cookie Dust, then into the Chocolate Chips. If you’re looking for the Granola, move down the row and scoop. There is no need to block the Heath Bar Crunch; people get pissed.

6. Have your StagCard ready for Mary; we are all hungry. Especially during the dinner rush hour, tables are hard to find. I don’t want to miss a luxurious booth because you had to take all your credit cards and drivers license out of your wallet to get to your StagCard.

7. Don’t go back for another round! I understand that one StagCard swipe is a valuable thing on this campus, but while you think going back to get more fries might fill you up that extra bit, everyone is looking at you coming back with whopping carb-loaded second plate of fries.

8. If you want to fill up your cup at the machines, don’t reach over someone’s food – that’s just rude. Sure, the whole ‘no-tray Barone’ makes it hard to carry your plate and your salad bowl at the same time, but just give the person ahead of you a chance. Nothing’s grosser than getting someone else’s mashed potatoes on your elbow and then having to look him or her in the face.

9. Stalking is perfectly legal in Barone. While the new seating arrangement
has altered the ability to totally creep at Barone, it can still be done. If you want to creep, those booths in the corners – go there. Trust me.

10. Just because you don’t remember what/who you did on Saturday night doesn’t mean you have to take two hours sitting in Barone on Sunday morning to piece it together. Move along, freshmen. I know you are tempted to laugh about who was the drunkest, or hide from that person you hooked up with last night (who just happens to walk into Barone while you’re there). Still, there is no need to be in there for more than an hour. Besides, have you ever smelled your clothes after you leave the cafeteria? Yeahhh.
So there you have it Stags, some simple rules to follow next time you swipe in to eat. Be courteous and polite. Be time-efficient. Be healthy with what you choose to eat. Say thank you to Mary. And don’t worry; everyone is creeping on everyone in Barone.

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