My fellow stags, in this important time during the FUSA election process, it is important that you do one thing: speak up.
It is imperative that you bring your issues to the table. Now is the time to let your thoughts be heard. There are great candidates running for FUSA president and vice president. This gives you the opportunity to question them and what they will do for your great school.
These two weeks are a chance to get all of your thoughts on the table. Most candidates have a Facebook group, and if you can’t find the candidate when you are around campus, leave a message on his/her wall.
What I hate to see is stags who are upset with something or have a concern or even an idea of how something can be done and keep it to themselves.
No one person has all the answers, so you, my fellow stags, each and every one of you, should speak up and let these people running for office know how you feel or what is on your mind. Once you find out what you would like to see changed, or what you would like to see more of, find the candidates.
Inform them by using the great words of Peter Griffin: “You know what really grinds my gears!?” Then tell the candidates what is on your mind.
It is important to vote on Feb. 26, but more importantly, know who you are voting for.
Try to learn about the candidates and meet them, talk with them. They want to hear your ideas and thoughts, so let your voice be heard. Do not, my fellow stags, walk into the booth on voting day and play the this-looks-like-a-good-name game.
In the upcoming election, you should get out there and vote. It doesn’t take long, and it is important to get as many stags as possible to the voting booth.
To summarize this: VOTE. All of you have great ideas, and some of you have some things you would like to see fixed and changed here at Fairfield.
Get those ideas and those concerns to the people running for office; when you vote, pick the person who you feel will be able to represent you and what you want to see done here at Fairfield.
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