Sharing a bathroom with 20 guys is a bonding experience like no other. Each floor’s bathroom was like its own military zone that was both protected and destroyed on a regular basis. Trust me when I tell you that you did not want to mess with the Jogues second floor battalion of the class of 2008.

Different types of weaponry were routinely used.

Obviously, plenty of bombs were dropped. Sometimes one person would drop upwards of six in one day. These soldiers should have received medals of honor for their work.

Vomit laced with shrapnel was also part of the arsenal. These bombs didn’t always reach their targets, but when they fell short they served as land mines.

The distance between the showers and the stalls became No Man’s Land due to the unbearable smell. The combination of stink bombs and vomit was bad enough, but when you added someone’s cologne it was like tear gas had been unleashed.

The bathroom became a nuclear testing site as bottle rockets were launched like it was the Fourth of July and wads of toilet paper were thrown to the ceiling like caps at graduation.

This type of ammunition was replaced on a regular basis by the maintenance man who also cleared the battlefield daily. I still wonder what was going through his head the day he walked in and a shower door and a sink lay dead on the floor.

Occasionally when someone interrupted you at the urinal, a little gun trouble ensued. This was a troubling experience, but as long as your gun could fire later in the evening everything was alright. That is, of course, if you hadn’t used all your ammo earlier in the day.

I’ll never forget the time a guy had a girl with him in the shower. Nearly everyone on the floor went to observe the visitor.

With girls living on the other side of the floor, a stray boyfriend, who was foreign to the bathroom, would randomly invade. This guerrilla warfare was not easy to keep track of, but unfortunately for them, they did not have a trap door as a means of escape.

Just like any other war, if you made it out alive, you had stories to tell for the rest of your life.

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