by Mike Theile
What can you buy with $163? Eleven 30 packs of beer, 16 large pizzas, 82 house shots at the Grape-or Senior Week tickets.
Fairfield seniors faced a tough decision when buying Senior Week tickets: shell out $163 in advance to get one ticket for each event or buy selective tickets, but run the risk of getting shut out from popular events.
“My mom bought the tickets in advance, so I was happy I didn’t have to wait on that line,” said Nicole Schwarz ’04. “She bought tickets to the family dance for everyone in my family and it should be a good time.”
The theme of Senior Week is “Life is a Highway,” and all the events will be decorated as different cities around the country. Some of the most anticipated events include Pub Night, the Mohegan Sun Casino trip, the Senior Picnic, the Semi-Formal and the Family Dance.
“Students had the opportunity to purchase a package in advance for Senior Week, in order to not get shut out of events that could be sold out,” said Jillian Grant ’05, who is on the Senior Week committee. “Some tickets were limited like Pub Night and the Mohegan Sun trip. Students who didn’t buy a package may have gotten excluded from going to these events.”
Tickets went on sale last Wednesday, and students who didn’t buy the package may have stood on line for over an hour to purchase tickets. So far students have had mixed reactions over the prices of some of the events.
“If I go and don’t have a good time, then I think the prices will be unfair,” said Kevin Spencer ’04. “But if I get wasted and I don’t remember anything, it will all be worth it. I’m most looking forward to Mohegan Sun, so I can win big and pay back my loans.”
“I don’t really know what to think about the price of the tickets because I have nothing to compare them to,” said Schwarz. “But overall I think the prices were all right, and I think it will be worth it in the end.”
According to Matt Dinnan, associate director of student activities, the prices for the tickets this year, went up slightly from last year, which was around $150.
“There is no budget for Senior Week and all the money needs to be generated through ticket sales,” said Dinnan. “The entire cost of all the events will come around to $155,000, and that’s why some of the tickets are not cheap.”
The most expensive ticket was for the picnic, which was priced at $42.
“I felt for the most part the tickets were priced fairly,” said John Martin ’04. “Especially because food, drinks and transportation are going to be provided.”
“I am just hoping to survive Senior Week and make it to graduation,” said Steve Dwyer ’04. “I got tickets to all the events I wanted to attend, especially the picnic and Pub Night because its one of the last chances where our class can get wasted together.”
But some students are still angry that they are not going to be able to attend some of the events because of their popularity.
“Thanks to super exclusive Senior Week, Pub Night for me will consist of a six pack of blue ribbon and Weekend at Bernie’s on DVD,” said Joe Fomenko ’04. “Now I wish I pre-ordered the package, so I could go to this event.”
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