“It’s a tie between freshmen year Thursdays at Clubhouse or senior year Mock Wedding. Either way, all 4 years have been amazing!”
– Keith Morris ’08
“This year when Townhouse 111 surprised my house, 141, with a sexy underwear party. They weren’t much to look at, but those guys sure can belly dance.”
– Tony DaCosta ’08
“Kairos and Jamaica ’08!”
– Elizabeth “Bitty” Bigos and Amber Del Prete ’08
“My favorite memory is from Cinco de Mayo junior year when my friends threw a party for Andy and Chris’s birthday. I got to make a speech and throw a kid out of the house!”
– Eric Falcone ’08
“My best memories of Fairfield are probably spending all day in the BCC and just hanging out with anyone and everyone that stops by. My tops would definitely be Kairos, O-Board, FUSA and the Activities Office!”
– Katie Waters ’08
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