Apparently being away for four days this weekend means I missed out on the inception of the proclaimed “greatest new website in the history of the Internet”, Within the past week I have heard a plethora of fervent reviews of this website such as, “ is amazing, definitely the new best way to stalk your crush” or “This is the beginning of my legacy, a forum dedicated to poking hot women” (you could guess this would be our Mr. He Said Chuck Kehoe)

Now, under normal circumstances I would never even take the time to register for a website founded on the basis of cyber self promotion, my attitude for the idea being feeble at best. However, for the sake of research I created a profile and am now the proud friend to 36 other Fairfield students, (this number is increasing exponentially every hour and of course will be considerably higher by the time you all read this).

I must admit I was surprised by how amusing the website is and how friends from my high school were able to find my profile within hours of my posting. Also, for those people like Chuck that have never been a member of any cool club other than the “blackout club,” here is a chance for him to find meaningful relationships in the students against collar popping club for example. As a late adaptor, being 48 hours behind the initial craze of enrollment, I am a bit behind in group participation, although I did immediately sign on to the “glam shot enthusiast” club; I do a blue streak that really does stop bullets.

It’s amazing how addicting how this has all become. I honestly cannot fathom the appeal to be on the site longer than 20 minutes. The other day I was in the athletic study center and every computer around me was logged onto thefacebook. To me, this appeal can only be likened to the need guys have to perpetually have one hand down their pants…as explained, not necessarily doing anything just needing to check to make sure everything is still intact.

Furthermore, I am still a little unclear as to what exactly a “poke” is meant to encompass. I have been told to “poke” is to show a sign of flirtateous interest or be used as an expression of endearment towards another. For me, this is a strange interpretation because in my mind if a ‘poke’ is administered to someone, a somewhat larger poke is inevitably returned in the form of a punch to the gut, face or kidney.

Any fights I have ever witnessed initially began with a type of poke, either in the form of a poking remark or poke on the shoulder and needless to say never escalated to asking for a date or a potential hook up.

I also would like to issue a formal apology to any Texans I may have offended in past articles. Texas really is one of the greatest states of the Union and I have a special place in my heart for any guy that dons a ten-gallon hat, chaps and tight jeans.

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