Just when you thought there couldn’t be any more raunchy-adult comedies this fall, Paul Rudd and Sean William Scott strike comedy gold with their new film, ‘Role Models.’
‘Role Models’ follows the same formula as every other adult comedy this year: excessive vulgar language, potty mouth humor and a predictable ending. Yet despite all this, ‘Role Models’ finds ways to come out on top as the best comedy of 2008.
One of the great things that the movie possesses is the great chemistry between co-stars Rudd and Scott. Playing two incompetent friends, the two work together as salespeople for Minotaur, an new energy drink that it advertised as a safe alternative to doing drugs. Scott plays Wheeler, a party animal who enjoys life, while Rudd plays Danny, a self-loathing screwup, with a judgmental attitude that causes him to lose his long-term girlfriend Beth (played by Elizabeth Banks).
After an unsuccessful run-in with the law, the two are sentenced to 150 hours of community service at Sturdy Wings, an organization for helping troubled children. Danny is assigned to Augie, a stereotypical nerd who is socially awkward and obsessed with a fantasy role-playing game similar to World of Warcraft. The role of Augie is played by Christopher Mintz-Plasse, known to many as McLovin of ‘Superbad’. The character of Augie is very similar to McLovin, though, just as Scott’s character Wheeler is very similar to Stiffler, the character he played in the ‘American Pie’ trilogy.
Wheeler’s luck isn’t much better, as he is assigned to loud-mouthed Ronnie. A 10-year-old misfit who assumes that all white men look like Ben Affleck, Ronnie makes Wheeler’s life a living hell, stealing his car and telling his superiors that he’s a pedophile who wants to take his pants off.
Not to say the movie was flawless, ‘Role Models’ certainly accomplished all that it set out for. It was a laugh riot from start to finish, with incredible character development that, although predictable from the beginning, still drew the viewers in. One can’t help but sympathize for the neglected and lonely Augie, or continuously cheer on Danny as he attempts to win back the love of his life, Beth.
Speaking of which, the character of Beth was the only real flaw. The role of Beth was played by Banks, best known for her role as Kim on the ABC sitcom ‘Scrubs,’ or the role of Miri in the newly released, ‘Zack and Miri Make a Porno.’ A beautiful, young and funny actress in the prime of her career, it was shame to find that she was not used to her potential in ‘Role Models’. Her screen time was limited, and in this little time she didn’t express much of her comedic potential. She sure did look hot, though
All in all, ‘Role Models’ is a must-see for the fall season. Rudd once again proves to be one of the leading funny-men of our generation, and Scott finally returns with a memorable performance since his memorable role as Stiffler.

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