Senior Brendan Hunt was recently elected as the Fairfield University Student Association senator during the first ever Special Election in FUSA history; you can read more about this at Hunt said that he didn’t have any intention of winning the election at first, and he is still figuring out the “ins and outs” of the responsibilities of being a senator. He sits in on biweekly meetings and is on both the Academic Support and the Diversity and Inclusion Committees.

One of Hunt’s main goals as a senator is to display and spread artwork around campus. Hunt specifically wants to put this art in student lounges, dining and common areas. Hunt feels that bringing some color and artwork onto campus will benefit students’ academics and individuality; he says, “There are a lot of talented people on campus here, and sharing that can help people expand their own creativity while also acknowledging someone else’s.” Although Hunt admits that he has no artistic ability himself, he feels as if the students who are skilled should be able to show off their work and be admired.

Because he is still figuring out his duties and how to go about acquiring this artwork, Hunt has to wait for the election of the class of 2021, on Tuesday, Sept. 26, to establish the Facility for the Arts Committee. Once this committee is made, there will be opportunities for FUSA to receive pieces from the Art Club. Hunt says he will take whatever he can get: murals, painting, drawings, etc. He plans on putting this art in places like the library or the stairs in the lower level of the Barone Campus Center; these are places that everyone either passes through or spends a lot of time in, so Hunt believes it would be nice if there was something to admire while working on homework, hanging out with friends or attending an event. “The stairwell in the Barone Campus Center is just plain white; it would look so much more welcoming with a mural or different pieces of art were on it,” said Hunt. Whether the art is constantly changing or it is a permanent painting, Hunt wants to expand the creativity on campus for the best interest of the students at Fairfield.

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